Marketing Fund Manager: Pain-free approach to cooperative marketing fund management, for the electrical industry.

Easily identify available funds, submit for pre-approval, monitor fund usage, and track reimbursement.

e-Marketeers is an innovative marketing company committed to the sustainable success of wholesale electrical distributors. Our expertise is leveraging technology to sustain differentiation of your distribution company.

We are experts in digital media, e-commerce, attributed product data, catalogs, customer data, analytics, and business intelligence... AND we understand the electrical product wholesale distribution supply chain.

Marketing Fund Manager is affordable to use*

*a transactional fee is collected as part of the fund reimbursement process.

How it works

Identify Available Funds

Marketing Fund Manager enables your organization to quickly identify your company's annual fund balance information and available manufacturer funds. This allows your distribution company to focus on customer-facing market share-increasing activities rather than administrative record keeping.

Receive Pre-Approval

Not only will you have easy access to the unique eligibility criteria for all relevant manufacturers, but you will also be able to easily request and receive pre-approval for your marketing spend with just a few clicks. Marketing Fund Manager's integrated workflow and e-mail reminders ensures your marketing team will have the information they need, when they need it.

Submit, Track, and Receive your Reimbursements

Upon submission, easily confirm the manufacturer has received your reimbursement request - and ensure accounting staff know exactly where to apply the resulting credit. As a bonus, Marketing Fund Manager affords the decentralized allocation of funds to separate regions, areas, branch locations via central admin role.


Annual budge information

Annual Budget Information

The Marketing Fund Manager application is the "one version of the truth". Enter individual manufacturer beginning balance information here. Capture and provide visibility to any fund utilization stipulations unique to this manufacturer (examples: 50% of funds must be utilized by June 30th. Manufacturer does not reimburse for baseball caps and other give-aways not tied to sales growth.). Keep all or part of the fund balance for corporate, regional, area utilization, distribute the balance to individual branch locations as the administrator sees fit.

Creation engine

Activity Creation Engine

Utilize the creation form to initiate the planning for each marketing activity. This tool suggests the appropriate manufacturer representative contact, provides visibility to available balance information, and any notes regarding fund usage stipulation. The activity creation engine drafts the content of the preapproval e-mail, and begins a workflow that allows stakeholders within the company to see what activities have been planned and their corresponding statuses; draft, awaiting pre-approval, preapproved, reimbursement request sent, and reimbursement received.



The Marketing Fund Manager dashboard displays all activities along with their corresponding status. This view is critical to keeping the work-flow moving along. The application has built-in e-mail reminders when at any point the process seems to be hung-up. The application also captures what accounting code expenses were paid out of, to insure reimbursement gets applied to the same GL code.